
Invaluable Tips for Seniors to Build Healthy Diet and Exercise Routine

The corona virus pandemic has made it essential for seniors and their caregivers to check on their immunity to keep them active and healthy.

Covid-19 epidemic has led the people all across the globe to question their approach to build a healthy immune system . From adults to children, every person whether adult or children, is becoming more aware of maintaining a strong immune system to deal with the virus.

Even though, all age groups are at the risk of contracting COVID-19, older people are at a bit greater risk of developing severe illness if they contract the disease due to physiological changes potential underlying health conditions that come with ageing and.

As per a doctor working at a facility that caters to senior care needs, it is strongly recommended for the seniors to follow healthy diets, supplements, and exercise routines. Let’s explore some go-to tips for seniors to build their immunity.

Vitamins is a good source of Vitamin D, so seniors are advised to spend more time in the sun. Vitamin C is important for the growth and repair of tissues and can be found in citrus fruits, peppers, broccoli, and strawberries. It helps to manage high blood pressure and forms protein that heals wounds. It also helps to boost immunity.

Vitamin B like vitamin b6 and b12 are equally important for energy levels. Vitamin B6 is very useful in keeping blood sugar within a normal range, vitamin B12 protects against anemia, and folate (folic acid) helps prevent changes to your DNA that could lead to cancer.

Omega 3 fatty acids
Fats are normally considered bad for health except for when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids is sufficiently found in walnuts and chia seeds which help control blood clots, manage cholesterol, and facilitate oil-production in the skin minimizing the signs of aging.

Many people in India are not aware that herbs like turmeric, black pepper, ginger, tulsi, ashwagandha, and mint serve as great immunity boosters for seniors. They include anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties which help fight heart diseases and cancer.

Green leafy vegetables
Green vegetables have proved important in fighting free radicals and lowering cholesterol. A significant portion every day will protect elders from diseases and helps them live longer.

Replace sugar
Added sugars lead to weight gain and diabetes. But, this doesn’t mean that seniors cannot have sweet foods which are often quite appealing. Substitutes like jaggery, honey, and stevia can be used for desserts instead.

Build a routine
Seniors should build a good routine for themselves. In order to achieve a healthy sleep cycle and good digestion, one should start their day with omega-3 fatty acids and end it with a glass of warm milk. An overall low-fat diet is always recommended to beat the health problems.

Active lifestyle
Active lifestyle is equally important to avoid stress and stay fit. A combination of active and passive exercises like low motion exercises, light yoga, and meditation will definitely keep the mind and body fresh. It is advised for seniors to avoid drinking and smoking to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Consulting with experts
Finally, each person is different and has different requirements when it comes to health. It is important for a person to consult with experts to know what suits him better.

Every person has their own problems and hence should be guided differently. The above mentioned tips can be very helpful for seniors to build strong immunity.


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